Tenth Anniversary

Thank you for celebrating 10 amazing years with us!

Thanks to the support of our partners, CCW has been a ministry that has brought community, connection, and opportunities to young adults so that they may know God's deep love for them and embrace God's mission at work in the world. The witness of students embracing the Isaiah 61:4 life to rebuild, renew, and restore is why we believe CCW needs to continue supporting college-aged young adults in the next ten years and beyond. Help us kick off the next ten years by helping us meet our goal of raising $10,000!

If you have a problem with the PayPal link, please email office@campustocity.org.

You can also mail checks to the address below:
Campus to City Wesley Foundation

PO Box 550790

Jacksonville, Fl 32255

 Check Out Our 10th Anniversary Magazine and Our 10th Anniversary Podcast:


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