Welcome to FR22: Secure
FR22: Secure playlist:
Friday Night
Call To Worship
Leader: We have taken time to find sacred space apart from the places we regularly inhabit.
People: We leave behind home, a place of both comfort and reminders of the demands on our lives.
Leader: We seek rest from distractions and the opportunity to focus on faith and community.
People: Help us to be centered and present.
Leader: May we experience God’s presence here.
People: Thank you God for the gift of this space and time.
Luke 10:38-42
38 While Jesus and his disciples were traveling, Jesus entered a village where a woman named Martha welcomed him as a guest. 39 She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his message. 40 By contrast, Martha was preoccupied with getting everything ready for their meal. So Martha came to him and said, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to prepare the table all by myself? Tell her to help me.”
41 The Lord answered, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things. 42 One thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the better part. It won’t be taken away from her.
Derrick - Roots of Insecurity
what are the roots of my insecurity in relationships?
what we learn from Mary: commitment, calm, priority, certainty.
the movement from insecurity to security in relationships is as much about me as it is about them.
Saturday Morning
Call To Worship
Leader: New every morning is your love, God.
People: We give you thanks for a new day.
Leader: As we gather and reflect on our relationship with You, may we feel your presence and peace.
People: Help us to build our relationship in this time and in this place.
Leader: May we be reminded of your ability to hold us.
People: You are always with us, in every season, through every emotion.
John 11:1-44
1 There was a certain man who was very ill. He was known as Lazarus from Bethany, which is the hometown of Mary and her sister Martha. 2 Mary did a beautiful thing for Jesus. She anointed the Lord with a pleasant-smelling oil and wiped His feet with her hair. Her brother Lazarus became deathly ill, 3 so the sisters immediately sent a message to Jesus which said, “Lord, the one You love is very ill.” 4 Jesus heard the message.
Jesus: His sickness will not end in his death but will bring great glory to God. As these events unfold, the Son of God will be exalted.
5 Jesus dearly loved Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. 6 However, after receiving this news, He waited two more days where He was.
Jesus (speaking to the disciples): 7 It is time to return to Judea.
Disciples: 8 Teacher, the last time You were there, some Jews attempted to execute You by crushing You with stones. Why would You go back?
Jesus: 9 There are 12 hours of daylight, correct? If anyone walks in the day, that person does not stumble because he or she sees the light of the world. 10 If anyone walks at night, he will trip and fall because he does not have the light within. 11 (Jesus briefly pauses.) Our friend Lazarus has gone to sleep, so I will go to awaken him.
Disciples: 12 Lord, if he is sleeping, then he will be all right.
13 Jesus used “sleep” as a metaphor for death, but the disciples took Him literally and did not understand. 14 Then Jesus spoke plainly.
Jesus: Lazarus is dead, 15 and I am grateful for your sakes that I was not there when he died. Now you will see and believe. Gather yourselves, and let’s go to him.
Thomas, the Twin (to the disciples): 16 Let’s go so we can die with Him.
17-18 As Jesus was approaching Bethany (which is about two miles east of Jerusalem), He heard that Lazarus had been in the tomb four days. 19 Now many people had come to comfort Mary and Martha as they mourned the loss of their brother. 20 Martha went to meet Jesus when word arrived that He was approaching Bethany, but Mary stayed behind at the house.
Martha: 21 Lord, if You had been with us, my brother would not have died. 22 Even so I still believe that anything You ask of God will be done.
Jesus: 23 Your brother will rise to life.
Martha: 24 I know. He will rise again when everyone is resurrected on the last day.
Jesus: 25 I am the resurrection and the source of all life; those who believe in Me will live even in death. 26 Everyone who lives and believes in Me will never truly die. Do you believe this?
Martha: 27 Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Anointed, the Liberating King, God’s own Son who we have heard is coming into the world.
28 After this Martha ran home to Mary.
Martha (whispering to Mary): Come with me. The Teacher is here, and He has asked for you.
29 Mary did not waste a minute. She got up and went 30 to the same spot where Martha had found Jesus outside the village. 31 The people gathered in her home offering support and comfort assumed she was going back to the tomb to cry and mourn, so they followed her. 32 Mary approached Jesus, saw Him, and fell at His feet.
Mary: Lord, if only You had been here, my brother would still be alive.
33 When Jesus saw Mary’s profound grief and the moaning and weeping of her companions, He was deeply moved by their pain in His spirit and was intensely troubled.
Jesus: 34 Where have you laid his body?
Jews: Come and see, Lord.
35 As they walked, Jesus wept; 36 and everyone noticed how much Jesus must have loved Lazarus. 37 But others were skeptical.
Others: If this man can give sight to the blind, He could have kept him from dying.
They are asking, if Jesus loves Lazarus so much, why didn’t He get here much sooner?
38 Then Jesus, who was intensely troubled by all of this, approached the tomb—a small cave covered by a massive stone.
Jesus: 39 Remove the stone.
Martha: Lord, he has been dead four days; the stench will be unbearable.
Jesus: 40 Remember, I told you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God.
41 They removed the stone, and Jesus lifted His eyes toward heaven.
Jesus: Father, I am grateful that You have heard Me. 42 I know that You are always listening, but I proclaim it loudly so that everyone here will believe You have sent Me.
43 After these words, He called out in a thunderous voice.
Jesus: Lazarus, come out!
44 Then, the man who was dead walked out of his tomb bound from head to toe in a burial shroud.
Jesus: Untie him, and let him go.
Once again Jesus amazes everyone around Him. How does He raise Lazarus? What kind of man can speak life into death’s darkness? Throughout His time on earth, those around Him are continually surprised by Jesus. He is unique. How does He have power over death? It takes a while, but more and more His followers become convinced this is no ordinary man.
Brooke - Jesus Wept
Saturday Night
Call To Worship
Leader: God, you have done incredible things.
People: You have created us from love. You have walked with us. You have overcome suffering and suffer with us, drawing us into life.
Leader: Some of us struggle with how to respond to your greatness.
People: You are showing us how to love you.
Leader: May this time of devotion be a pleasing response.
People: We offer what we have, lifting up our hearts as we worship.
All: Amen.
John 12:1-11
1 Six days before Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, home of Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. 2 Lazarus and his sisters hosted a dinner for him. Martha served and Lazarus was among those who joined him at the table. 3 Then Mary took an extraordinary amount, almost three-quarters of a pound,[a] of very expensive perfume made of pure nard. She anointed Jesus’ feet with it, then wiped his feet dry with her hair. The house was filled with the aroma of the perfume. 4 Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (the one who was about to betray him), complained, 5 “This perfume was worth a year’s wages![b] Why wasn’t it sold and the money given to the poor?” (6 He said this not because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief. He carried the money bag and would take what was in it.)
7 Then Jesus said, “Leave her alone. This perfume was to be used in preparation for my burial, and this is how she has used it. 8 You will always have the poor among you, but you won’t always have me.”
9 Many Jews learned that he was there. They came not only because of Jesus but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. 10 The chief priests decided that they would kill Lazarus too. 11 It was because of Lazarus that many of the Jews had deserted them and come to believe in Jesus.
Haley - All In
emotions are information as we think about security.
Mary’s anointing of Jesus is vulnerable, intimate, and reciprocal.
when we offer our love to God, it is accepted by what it is, not judged by what it is not.
Mary gives her full self to Jesus.
Mary sacrifices something in this offering.
Mary’s action connects her with Jesus through the difficult moments ahead.
Sunday Morning
Call To Worship
Leader: As we close our time together, we gather once more.
People: Help us to remain present as we begin to think about what lies ahead.
Leader: Our relationship with God is a constant journey.
People: We long to feel secure and we acknowledge that God works in us even in insecure moments.
Leader: The journey is not over.
People: Thank you, God, for journeying with us through joys and sorrows, through griefs and celebrations, through ordinary and exciting moments.
All: Amen.
Luke 10:42
42 One thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the better part. It won’t be taken away from her.”
our schedule:
6:30-7PM - Dinner
7:30PM - Session 1
9PM - Game Hang/Movie Night
8:30-9AM - Breakfast
9:30AM - Session 2
11AM - Reflection Time
12-12:30PM - Lunch
1:30-3PM - Workshop w/ Krispin Mayfield
3-6PM - Free Time
6:30-7PM - Dinner
7PM - Session 3
8:30PM - Campfire
8:30-9AM - Breakfast
9-9:30AM - Packup/Checkout
9:45-10:45AM - Session 4 & Communion